Journal of Trainology



Guidelines for Authors on the Construction of Articles

The aim of the Journal of Trainology (from the word “train,” meaning “to make prepared, as by exercise, for a test of skill,” and the suffix “-logy,” meaning “the study of”) is to publish interesting theoretical and practical articles on all areas of exercise training for improving physical function and sport performance. Only studies involving human subjects will be considered. This is a peer-reviewed and Open Access journal.

Submit manuscripts

Electronic submission of manuscripts is strongly encouraged, provided that the text, table(s), and figure(s) are included in a single Microsoft Word file (preferably in Calibri or Times New Roman font, point size 12). Manuscripts must be double-spaced throughout (including the title page, abstract, text, references, tables, and legends). Submit manuscripts as e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at: naotoshi.mitsukawa (at) & journal.trainology (at) A manuscript number will be mailed to the corresponding author within two days.

Types of article

Short Communications:

A Short Communication is suitable for recording the results of complete (a pilot or small data set) investigations or for giving details of new models or hypotheses, innovative methods, techniques, or apparatus. There is a 2000-word limit (excluding the title, abstract, tables/figures, figure legends, acknowledgments, and references). The maximum number (combined) of tables and figures is two. The maximum number of references is 20. A structured abstract of fewer than 250 words should be included, with the following headings: Objectives, Design, Method, Results, and Conclusions.


Submissions of Reviews covering topics of current interest are welcome and encouraged. There is a 3000-word limit (excluding the title, abstract, tables/figures, figure legends, acknowledgments, and references). The maximum number (combined) of tables and figures is three. The maximum number of references is 50. A structured abstract of fewer than 250 words should be included, with the following headings: Objectives, Design, Method, Results, and Conclusions.


These are written or commissioned by the Editor-in-Chief only.


Authors must declare that a manuscript submitted to the Journal of Trainology has not been published elsewhere or is not being considered for publication elsewhere and that the research reported will not be submitted for publication elsewhere until a final decision has been made as to its acceptability by the journal.

Review process

All manuscripts are reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief and members of the Editorial Board/Associate Editors or by qualified outside reviewers. The Editor-in-Chief's decision is final. Papers accepted for publication become the copyright of the Active Aging Research Center, Toyo Gakuen University, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Copyright, Open Access, and Fees

This journal is fully Open Access and uses Creative Commons (CC) licenses, allowing users to use, reuse, and build upon the material published in the journal without charge or needing permission from the publisher or author. There are no author fees, including no processing charge or page charge. Active Ageing Research Center will bear all of these.

Structure of the manuscript (in order)

1. Title page (first page) should contain:

Title: Short and informative
Authors: List all authors by first name, all initials, and family name
Institution and affiliations
Corresponding author: Include postal address, e-mail address, and telephone number

2. Manuscript should contain:

Abstract: Must be structured (Objectives, Design, Methods, Results, and Conclusions)
Keywords: Provide up to five keywords; do not reproduce words used in the article title
●Main body of the text should be organized as follows:
    Introduction: Describe the purpose of the study, with a brief review of background
    Methods: Include details of the Ethics Committee approval obtained for human investigation
    Results: Concisely reported in tables and figures, with brief text descriptions
    Discussion: Concise interpretation of results
    Tables: Must be submitted as a text file, on separate pages, one table to each page
    Figure legends: Must be submitted as part of the text file and not as illustrations
    Figures: Must be submitted at the end of the text file, on separate pages, one figure to each page

3. References

The reference style is the Vancouver system. References should be numbered consecutively in unbracketed superscripts where they occur in the text, tables, etc, and listed numerically (eg, "1," "2," etc) at the end of the paper under the heading "References." For original research papers, no more than three references should be used to support a specific point in the text. All authors should be listed if there are three or fewer. If there are more than three, the reference should name the first three authors followed by the expression "et al." Conference and other abstracts should not be used as references. Material referred to by the phrase "personal communication" or "submitted for publication" are not considered full references and should only be placed in parentheses at the appropriate place in the text (eg, Pollock 1998 personal communication). References to articles submitted but not yet accepted are not encouraged but, if necessary, should only be referred to in the text, in parentheses, as "unpublished data."

Book references:

Last name and initials of author, chapter title, chapter number, title of book, edition (if applicable), editor, translator (if applicable), place of publication, publisher, year of publication.

Beekley MD, Brechue WF. Resistance training and the neuromuscular system, Chapter 4, in Resistance Training for Health and Rehabilitation, Eds. Graves J, Franklin BA, Champaign, Human Kinetics, 2001.

Journal references:

Last name and initials of principal author followed by last name(s) and initials of co-author(s), title of article (with first word only starting in capitals), abbreviated title of journal, year, volume, inclusive pages.

Pollock ML, Mengelkoch LJ, Graves JE et al. Twenty-year follow-up of aerobic power and body composition of older track athletes. J Appl Physiol 1997; 82: 1508-1516.

4. Tables

Tables should be part of the text file, placed on separate sheets (one to each page) after the References section. Do not use vertical lines. Each table should be numbered using Arabic numerals and include a title placed above the table. Legends and explanatory notes should be placed below the table. Abbreviations used in the table follow the legend and should appear in alphabetical order.

5. Figure legends

Figure legends should be numbered using Arabic numerals and double-spaced in order of appearance, beginning on a separate page. Identify (in alphabetical order) all abbreviations appearing in the illustrations at the end of each legend. All abbreviations used in a figure and in its legend should be defined in the legend. Figure legends must be submitted as part of the text file and not as illustrations.

6. Figures and illustrations

Images or figures are submitted online as one or more separate files that may contain one or more images. Within each file, use the figure number (eg, Figure 1A) as the image file name. The system accepts image files formatted in TIF and EPS. PowerPoint (.ppt) files are accepted, but you must use a separate PowerPoint image file for each PowerPoint figure. Symbols, letters, numbers, and contrasting fills must be distinct, easily distinguished, and clearly legible when the illustration is reduced in size. Black, white, and widely crosshatched bars are preferable; do not use stippling, gray fill, or thin lines.


Electronic proofs will be sent as e-mail attachments to the corresponding author as a PDF file. Page proofs are considered to be the final version of the manuscript. With the exception of typographical or minor clerical errors, no changes will be made in the manuscript at the proof stage.